University of Liechtenstein

Fuerst Franz Josef Strasse
9490 Vaduz
The University of Liechtenstein is an internationally recognized university accredited under the Swiss university system of quality assurance, top-rated owing to its cultivation of the close connection between study and practice. The university is a foundation under public law, which allows it to fulfil its performance mandate autonomously and flexibly (Law on the University of Liechtenstein of 25 November 20014).
The education and transfer offerings are geared to social needs and business demands. Its key aspects (Architecture and Planning, Business Economics) are in the fields of Bachelor's, Master's and PhD degree programmes, continuing education, research and development or technology and knowledge transfer. Approximately 750 students are registered in the Bachelor's, Master's and doctoral degree programmes, Executive Master's and post-grqduate programmes, as well as university courses of study either fulltime or in a continuing education capacity. These educational offerings are interdisciplinary and aligned with international decision making and responsibility expertise.