Field Station Gateway

Dirt Works Studio was invited by the University of Kansas Field Station to design and build a new entrance gateway to their Research and Operations offices and the Armitage Education Center. The site is located in northern Lawrence, Kansas. A thirty-five foot long rammed earth wall rises from the earth, as the site's surrounding trees rise up from the prairie landscape. The Field Station Gateway serves as a threshold between the surrounding landscape and the Field Station, offering signage and direction to those visiting the site, as well as paying homage to the prairie environment surrounding it.

Images and Plans



Damon Baltuska, Melody Benyamen, Zachary Dawson, Ryan Falk, Justin Gomez, Maria Guerrero, Emily Held, Benjamin Jensen, Lindsey Jones, James McLarty, Scott Moran, Lauren Reinhart, Kevin Staten, Scott Stoops, Tu Tran
Project Context
Project Type
Other Function
Other Function
Construction Methods/Techniques