NB-LAB, Nature-Based Living-Lab, Peru
As part of the international Erasmus+ project "NB-LAB", a Nature-Based Living Lab was built in Iquitos, Peru for the campus of the UNAP (Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana) for an interdisciplinary research and student camp in August 2022. The construction in Iquitos is a sub-project of the overall "NB-Lab project", coordinated by the Robert Schmidt Institute at Wismar University of Applied Sciences. Another component of the project was the research camp at the partner in Ecqador, which took place at the same time.
The seminar on the construction project in Iquitos was divided into three blocks and started in the winter semester 2021/22. Based on an introduction to traditional, local construction techniques and an examination of the programmatic needs of the users, a design for the laboratory ensemble and its construction method on a scale of 1:50 was developed in the first block. In the second stage, the results were further developed in joint weekly digital working groups with the structural engineering students from UTE (Universidad Tecnológica Equinoccial, Ecuador) until they were ready for implementation. The third block was dedicated to the final formulation of the detailed planning in 1:5, the construction schedule and the preparation of the trip and the construction workshop in Iquitos in August 2022.