Dr Roberta Nicchia

Profile picture for user Roberta Nicchia

Salita Pontecorvo 65
80135 Naples

Aims and expectations

DesignBuild Studio is a process that builds communities of people. In my personal experience, through DBS individual students become a community involved in improving not only their education, but also their social and environmental context. Students coming from different countries and indigenous communities overcome cultural and social barriers through the building process. Local administrations, NGOs and universities cooperate around one shared objective. My personal expectation is that EDBKN amplifies the opportunity to join this unique experience for students and local communities all over the world.

Short CV

Roberta Nicchia is an architect, has an international Master’s Degree in Spatial Planning for Sustainable Urban Systems and a PhD in Environmental Engineering. Her main areas of interest are urbanization and spatial planning in developing countries, with a specific focus on urban poor, urban informality and inclusive decision-making processes. After having participated to the Praktikumsseminar Mexico of the TU-Berlin as a student, she proposed and coordinated Archintorno’s DesignBuild Studios with indigenous communities of the Oaxaca state. She has also participated in slum-upgrading programs in Mexico City and in the elaboration of spatial plans in the small towns of Caia District, Mozambique. She has been visiting professor at the UNAM in Mexico City and at the GUC in Cairo. She collaborates with the research group on Urban and Regional Planning at the University of Trento, where she teaches since 2013 in master degree courses on the topic of urbanization in Third World countries. She is currently architect at the municipality of Naples, for the coordination of URBACT projects and networks on integrated urban development policies.


Let’s Sit Down and Talk


by: DIARC - University of Naples
Project Status: Completed / Usage Phase
Year of Completion: 2007
Scale of project: S - Small
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Experimental Centre for Sustainable Technologies in Oaxaca


by: Politecnico di Torino, Taller Max Cetto - UNAM
Project Status: Completed / Usage Phase
Year of Completion: 2014
Scale of project: M - Medium
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San Pedro Community House


by: DIARC - University of Naples
Project Status: Completed / Usage Phase
Year of Completion: 2014
Scale of project: M - Medium
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Santa Cruz Community House

Santa Cruz Tepetotutla

by: archintorno
Project Status: Completed / Usage Phase
Scale of project: M - Medium
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Contact Me (for full members only)


Mexico, Mozambique

participatory design, design inspired by the vernacular tradition, low-cost/high-tech construction, culturally appropriate design and technologies, environmentally sensitive design and technologies, participatory process
Role in DesignBuild Network