Architect Elisa De Simone

Cerrada Rio de Janeiro #13 int.4
06700 Mexico City
Aims and expectations
Propose the creation of children’s public spaces for central contexts and neighborhood, besides being beneficial for growth in infancy, it is certainly a very effective strategy for urban and social regeneration. Public spaces in poor condition and / or abandoned public lands are transformed into recreational spaces and trivial, they become primarily a tool to encourage the development of a healthy civil society. Since we show different studies, infant public spaces help children generations in the fight against violence present in the family and social spheres at global and local level, promoting through play new initiatives and positive dynamics seeking to keep them away from the verbal and physical violence that surrounds them. From this great contradiction and restlessness born my interest in developing projects with program and children's vocation in peripheral areas most affected by social exclusion and increasing child population, hoping to start a strong reflection that can sensitize the authorities and other actors urban on the need to continue with this dynamic.The projects that I developed in the team of CDLC and eeTestudio are characterized by participatory work in outlying colonies between neighbors, children, schools, public and private institutions. The result of workshops and participatory activities, allow you to define the programmatic and architectural proposal of public facilities for each Neighborhood Center, in response to the needs of the people.
Short CV
Italian architect trained at the National Paris-Val de Seine, France School of Architecture (2007).
In Paris he has worked for various architectural firms and landscaping in private and public areas. Between 2007 and 2009 he has been interested in the functioning of French regulated participatory system, being part of the group Collectif Redessinons Broussais for the recovery of public space Chaufferie Broussais.
Since his arrival in Oaxaca in May 2009, De Simone has sought involved in urban projects focused on public interest, sustainability and social orientation. In 2010, with the architect Maribel Gonzalez, founded the Urban Citizen Laboratory (Lab UC), a citizen organism in which it implemented several projects to rescue public spaces as the old railway station, among others.
Since June 2011 he has been working at the Casa de la Ciudad Oaxaca of Alfredo Harp Helu Oaxaca Foundation (FAHHO), in charge of urban, sustainable, participatory workshop in the architecture of that institution projects.
Since 2015, Elisa De Simone joined in a new team eeTestudio of Mexico City, seeking to develop more sustainable urban projects, focused on issues recovery of public space by generating social cohesion in this city like the Granadas Neighborhood Center.