architect Alessandra Basile

Salita Pontecorvo 65
80135 Naples
Short CV
Alessandra Basile is an architect and photographer, she studied at University of Naples and at UIC in Barcelona, Spain. Her work focuses on self-construction process, natural materials and appropriate technologies, management and enhancement of cultural heritage.
In 2005 she founded Archintorno, a non profit organization for social architecture, and for Archintorno she coordinated DesignBuild Studio projects in Italy and abroad and organizes social and cultural projects, with the aim to enhance public goods and neighborhoods in the marginal districts of Naples ( and
As a freelance architect and researcher, she regularly collaborates with universities, research institutes and architectural firms. In Oaxaca, Mexico she has taught at Casandoo University and she worked with rootStudio team for the Nike Game Changers award-winning project “Rural sport Center” in San Pedro Apostol, Oaxaca. In Portugal she was freelance researcher in Nucleo de Ecologia Social in LNEC and in Spain she collaborated with PEZArquitectos. She was visiting professor at GUC Cairo, Egypt. In Italy she collaborated with interdepartmental research centers CITTAM and LUPT at University of Naples.
Alessandra is currently part of the research consortium 'EDBKN – European DesignBuild Knowledge Network'.