Assistant Professor Diego Arroyo
El Comendador 1916
7520245 Providencia
Región Metropolitana
Aims and expectations
To engage into an international design/ build community, learn and contribute from our experience and expand the network into Latin America.Short CV
2014 – current, Assistant Professor, FADEU, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
- Lecturer and coordinator “Introducción a la Construcción” Design/Buid + Service Learning based unit of study.
2019: ARQ3718 Workshop Design Build, FADEU, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
2018 – 2020, Architectural Science Review Book Review Editor
2013 Tutor, FADP University of Sydney, Australia.
2013: Architectural Technologies 3, undergraduate, FADP University of Sydney, Lecturer and coordinator: Mr. Michael Muir
2013: Tutor, MARC5101 Advanced Technologies 2, postgraduate, FADP University of Sydney, Lecturer and coordinator: Dr. Francesco Fiorito.
2007 – 2011, Instructor, FADEU, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
- Instructor “Introducción a la Edificación y Tecnologías” Design/Build based unit of study.
2006 – current, Partner at Lira Arquitectos SPA, Santiago, Chile –
2012 - 2013 Collaborator (architectural designer), Derek Raithby Architecture PTY, Sydney, Australia -
2003 - 2005, Project Architect, Christian de Groote Architects, Santiago, Chile.