Revue 2015

Eight years later, the compound is in lamentable conditions. The wooden structures are deteriorating, parts have been burned due to un uncontrolled fire-clearing, the original landscape gardening is unrecognizable, the kitchen is not used nor the stage for performing. The delicate carrizo fillings, that would need constant maintenance are falling apart or vanished. The adobe houses from 2003 are still in acceptable conditions and regular music-classes are given by the Maestra de Musica.



Unfortunately there is no organisation running the school and no resources to pay a minimum of maintenance. Apart of the teacher who is teaching basically in her free time, no one is taking care nor seems to be interested in developing a strategy for sustainably using the compound. The second building, although having a high architectural and spatial quality, seems to be more burden as benefit. The beautiful red coloured earthen ground is covered with weeds, as well due to missing filter fleece, avoiding the growth of plants.


And now?

At a diploma-course of the Casa de la Ciudad, a cultural foundation in Oaxaca, a workshop with 30 local professionals was held in order to develop a sustainable revenue strategy and to focus the profile of the music school and the compound. A huge potential was detected and many possibilities of generating an income for maintenance and development where discussed. A group of the participants will work on the next steps. 



The client/user as actor in public interest design is crucial for the success of a project architectural quality sadly seems to be secondary. If the client/user is not empowered to design an organisation-structure for the development of the project, financial sustainability and technical maintenance, the project is condemned to demise.


