CODE I construction + design

Straße des 17. Juni 152
10623 Berlin
The department "Design and Construction in Architecture - Prof. Pasel" (CODE) pursues an integral approach to architectural education and research, in which the process of designing is understood as a means of gaining scientific knowledge in architecture (Research by Design). The aim is to investigate the interface of architectural design, construction methods and materiality taking into account its spatial, social and ecological consequences. In this context CODE develops projects up to scale 1:1 that provide local solutions to global challenges in the built environment.
Since 2013 CODE executes design-build projects of varying size and complexity. Under supervision of the chair students plan, design and implement projects in the national and international context.
The link between teaching, research and practice opens new perspectives for the development of the architectural education and provides new insights for innovation within the architectural profession.
Design-build projects are the framework for the acquisition of key competences and methodological skills. In interdisciplinary and international collaborations traditional teaching and learning experiences are questioned and reformulated. Intercultural learning and global knowledge transfer are thus inherent components of the design-build methodology.
The societal relevance of the assignments also leads ultimately to an intensive exploration of the future challenges for our built environment. Social, political, environmental and economical issues are thus fundamental aspects of the development of the projects.
With respect to the debate about new ways of innovative research in the field of architecture the potential of design-build projects is seen in the recursivity of the design process. Through the sequence of designing, planning, building and evaluating the projects unique conditions for the understanding of those processes are created.