A Jam Manufactory for Naxií
The project shows a facility for the production of jams and conserves. The desired spatial program includes two main functions that are embodied in two buildings: A production area and an area for education and workshops. Through their positioning in the landscape, they define an “interior/exterior” space, and enable a large variety of external areas with diverse functions.
The new centre of the ensemble is the slope between the lower building and the kitchen. Here a four-step wall out of slate-stone masonry and clay mortar was constructed. It is stabilisation and seeting possibility at the same time.
The supporting walls of the houses were made of adobe masonry. The raw surface of the bricks creates a contrast to the fine concrete of the base and ring beam. The wall segments are dimensioned to tolerate seismic activity. Coloured frames form the substructure for the windows and doors. The site itself needed to be planned for the production of fruit and vegetables, access and circulation, erosion control and rainwater management. The proposals needed to be financially and technically sustainable, also in terms of seismic requirements.
Success relies on the collaboration of equal parties in the project:
The women’s competence, strength and decisiveness were essential for the smooth design/decision- and building-process. Each member of the CoCoon crew provided a part to the interdisciplinary and inter-cultural knowledge needed for that work.
Both parties, the client and the design-crew are embedded in a network of people, essential for the success of the project:
• C.A.M.P.O, the NGO
• local authorities
• the local craftsmen
• the local families
• professionals and students from different disciplines • students and alumni from the UNAM
• professional German craftsmen
• sponsors, donating organisations
The building is just the tangible manifestation of a much broader achievement.
Processing architecture does not end in the delivery of the object but is a long lasting, sustainable endeavour that effects the future of all people involved:
• by the lessons learned in executing the own (future) profession
• by the experience of real collaboration and “convivencia”
• through the possibilities activated by the new spatial facilities.
Technical Description
The building complex 'A Jam Manufactory for Naxií' incorporates two main functions that are embodied in two buildings: A production area and an area for education and workshops. Through their positioning in the landscape, they define a variety of interior/exterior spaces with diverse characters and uses. The slope between the lower building and the kitchen forms the central space between the building ensembles. A stepped wall made from local slate-stone, invite users to sit and rest. The supporting walls of the buildings are made of adobe masonry; their raw surface of the clay-stones creates a contrast to the fine concrete of the base and ring beam. Because of the site’s geographic location, the walls are dimensioned to tolerate seismic activity, the floor plan is double-symmetric and both buildings count on pilaster strips and a reinforced concrete ring-beam and foundation. Coloured frames mark the openings and form the substructure for the windows and doors. The site itself is completed with sanitation facilities, an orchard, rain and wastewater management, play facilities, access and circulation for cars and erosion control of the slope.